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HomeChess NewsChessable Course: Dominating the Middlegame Through Chess Structures

Chessable Course: Dominating the Middlegame Through Chess Structures


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Master the Middlegame with Chess Structures – A Grandmaster Guide by Mauricio Flores Rios and Peter Heine Nielsen

Chess players around the world often find themselves at a loss when it comes to navigating the complexities of the middlegame. The struggle to find the right plan after a strong opening can be a common challenge. However, there is a solution that promises to unlock the secrets of quickly reading any position in just moments.

Grandmaster Mauricio Flores Rios has unveiled his renowned course, Chess Structures – A Grandmaster Guide, which has been reviewed and presented by none other than Magnus Carlsen’s coach, GM Peter Heine Nielsen. This course aims to help players master the most common plans in the middlegame and elevate their strategic play to new heights.

Rios’ approach focuses on the importance of understanding pawn structures in order to find the right plan in any given position. By carefully selecting 140 games to demonstrate the approach to 28 of the most common pawn structures in chess, Rios provides a practical guide to chess strategy that is considered essential reading for any player looking to improve their game.

With the addition of GM Peter Heine Nielsen’s insights and explanations, the course offers over 30 hours of video content covering key pawn structures such as those found in the Queen’s Gambit, Sicilian, Benoni, King’s Indian, French, and more. Players will also have access to test exercises and additional trainable exercises to reinforce their learning.

If you’re ready to take your middlegame skills to the next level and master the intricacies of pawn structures, Chess Structures – A Grandmaster Guide is the perfect resource to help you achieve your goals. Try out the free sample of the course today and start your journey towards strategic mastery in chess.

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