Exploring College Chess, Teaching Strategies, and Book Recommendations with Alexey Root
The University of Texas-Rio-Grande Valley emerged as the winner of The Final Four of College Chess for the second consecutive year, beating out competitors from Webster University, University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), and Harvard University. This victory highlights the growing popularity and success of college chess in the United States.
In a recent podcast, Alexey, a prominent figure in the chess community, discussed her decision to pursue a PhD in Education and shared insights on teaching chess to young students. She also touched on the changing landscape of women’s chess, mentioning strong players like Hou Yifan and Jennifer Yu.
The conversation then turned to chess books, with Alexey recommending a list of instructional and adult books for enthusiasts to explore. Additionally, she offered advice to chess parents, emphasizing the importance of child safety based on her own personal experiences.
As the podcast wrapped up, Alexey shared her journey to getting her first chess book published and provided valuable insights on finding paid work as a chess writer. The episode concluded with a playful reminder to podcast supporters to send in their questions for future episodes.
Overall, the discussion shed light on the thriving college chess scene in the US, the evolving world of women’s chess, and the valuable resources available for chess enthusiasts of all ages. Alexey’s expertise and passion for the game continue to inspire and educate chess enthusiasts around the world.