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HomeChess VariantsThe Timeless Philidor: A Review of Christian Bauer's Work

The Timeless Philidor: A Review of Christian Bauer’s Work


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Review: The Evergreen Philidor – A Modern Update on a Classic Opening

Grandmaster Christian Bauer has recently released an updated version of his highly acclaimed book, “The Philidor Files,” titled “The evergreen Philidor.” The original book, published in 2007, focused on the Philidor Defence, which was experiencing a renaissance at the time. Now, Bauer has revamped his analysis to include modern variations of the opening, providing a fresh perspective on this classic defense.

In his new ChessBase publication, Bauer delves into the two main ways of approaching the Philidor Defense: 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 e5 and the alternative 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nbd7. He explores the main variations and early deviations, offering insights into new developments in the opening, such as Shirov’s 5.g4 and GM Jones’ 5.Tg1!?.

While Bauer’s update is comprehensive, some critics have pointed out a few missed opportunities for further analysis, such as the line 5.Bc4 Be7 6.O-O Nb6!?, which has proven to be an interesting and unexplored option for Black. However, overall, “The evergreen Philidor” provides a solid repertoire for Black players looking to surprise their opponents and navigate the complexities of this dynamic opening.

With over 7 hours of instructional content, interactive exercises, and video feedback, Bauer’s course offers players the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the Philidor Defense and improve their gameplay at various levels. Whether you prefer a queenless middlegame or a tactical battle with pieces on the board, “The evergreen Philidor” has something for every player.

Overall, Bauer’s update of this classic opening book is a welcome addition to the chess world, providing players with a modern and practical approach to the Philidor Defense.

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